Motor Accident Insurance Commission

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Bionics Gamechangers Australia proudly partners with the Motor Accident Insurance Commission (Queensland) as our major funding partner.

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) is the regulatory authority responsible for the ongoing management of the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) scheme in Queensland.

MAIC and Bionics Gamechangers have a shared interest in optimising the rehabilitation of Queenslanders impacted by road trauma and related disabilities. Grants provided by MAIC are focused on injury prevention and rehabilitation; supporting activities that aim to eliminate or reduce the incidence of road crashes; and, where this is not possible, to improve the treatment and rehabilitation of people who are injured.

MAIC has supported three Bionics Gamechangers projects that together provide platform knowledge and funding to accelerate bionic devices, limbs, treatments and technologies to assist those impacted by road accident trauma.
  • Bionics Challenge 2021 and 2022 – A competition for early-stage innovations and discoveries across the four categories of Bionic Mobility, Bionic Senses, Bionic Implants and Organs; and Bionics, the Brain, Neurotech and AI.
  • A major study of Bionics Innovation Opportunities and Pathways aligned to End User Needs to inform future research, new devices and treatments and related end user engagement.
  • A Bionics Innovation Ecosystem Mapping Project to understand the gaps and opportunities (unique and/or shared) across the network of businesses, institutions, centres and programs involved in research, design, regulatory approval, distribution and promotion of medical bionic solutions. A key outcome of this project will be the preparation of a draft Queensland-led Roadmap for Bionic Innovation (release forthcoming).

For more insights on the ground-breaking rehabilitation research, rehabilitation therapies and services of MAIC-supported programs, visit the CTP Scheme’s interactive Knowledge Centre.


Visit the CTP Scheme’s interactive Knowledge Centre


Learn more about how MAIC is supporting research & innovation

Major Partner

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Motor Accident Insurance Commission

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) Queensland is our major funding partner. The rehabilitation of Queenslanders impacted by road accident trauma, disabilities and chronic health conditions underpins our highly valued partnership.


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